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Category Archives: Archive

A Wellness Program — For Your Business

Just as your body needs annual wellness checkups, your business does, too. Much of the simple matters can be done by your office, without an lawyer – but if issues turn up, it may be time to check with counsel. Corporate Status ❏ Corporate Status. Is your business in good standing with the state? In […]

Leveling the Playing Field:

Due Process and Trade Secret Misappropriation Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 2019.210 by: Andrew K Jacobson The Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees due process of law. One type of due process is knowing the details of the accusations in a court of law against you. But in trade secret misappropriation cases, the trade […]

Who Gives a Tweet About Who Owns a Tweet?

The media revolution of the last 20 years will continue well into the future, and new issues will arise that few will think about in advance. Small businesses can save themselves huge expenses in protecting their media outlets by updating their employee manuals so that it is clear from the outset of employment that these new media channels belong to the employer, not to the employee.

The Cinderella of Intellectual Property

Law regarding trade secrets has long been seen as the ugly step-sister of intellectual property. Patents, trademarks, and copyrights have traditionally been held to be federal concerns, while trade secrets have been seen as principally protected by state laws. Now, two senators want to allow the trade secret Cinderella into federal court by introducing a […]

Bit Torrent File Sharing Lawsuits

You have received a notice from your Internet Service Provider, or “ISP,” indicating that you have been sued as a “Doe” in a bit torrent file sharing lawsuit. What now? Now you need to make some choices about how you want to handle this. But first, some information. What does this even mean? This means […]

The Rapid Evolution of Mobile Apps

When I was a kid, on days when we couldn’t play outside, my friend Mike and I would play Pong on our TV sets. Growing up in the Los Angeles area, many of our friends wanted to be in Hollywood. Now, the video game industry has earned more than Hollywood movies for years. The San […]

When Cease-and-Desist Means Start Right Now

Confronting claims in a cease-and-desist letter head-on will be cheaper in the long-run than burying your head in the sand. A cease-and-desist letter is a code for starting things right away.

New Tech, Old Parasites

Twits using your business’s name could destroy your company’s reputation before you even know about it. Twitter does have an anti-squatting policy, but every business should participate in the Twitter land rush by claiming its own name. Besides being a potential marketing device, claiming your business’s name prevents it from being claimed by someone else. It’s free and took me less than 30 seconds to do.

Secure Your Routers! Redux

Without giving away too many details, we have been contacted by potential clients whose internet protocol information is being sought because it has been connected with illegal downloads of movies. However, these people only owned the wireless routers that were used to receive the movie; they did not download the movie themselves. Someone else downloaded […]

Get It In Writing

When I discuss contracts with Business of Media students at Ex’Pression College for the Digital Arts , I give them four words of wisdom that I hope will outlast their memories of me. I tell them I want them to whisper these four words, like Charles Foster Kane whispering, “Rosebud,” on their deathbed. If my […]


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